Is there a law stating that a landlord has to replace carpet in a rental unit such as an apartment.
Is there a carpet law in oregon.
From there the bureau initiates.
90 300 7 a outlines what in general the security deposit can be used for.
I am being sued for damage to carpet in a rental unit that i lived in for 2 1 2 years.
The property owner may claim from the security deposit only amounts reasonably needed to cover unpaid rent repair damages beyond normal wear and tear carpet cleaning if the lease says the landlord can deduct the cost of carpet cleaning and the loss of use of the rental unit while cleaning or making repairs in a timely manner.
There s no limit to the amount a landlord can charge.
I live in oregon.
Such as every two years between tenants etc.
Warranty of habitability in oregon.
This article summarizes the oregon landlord tenant laws applicable to residential rental units.
Carpet cleaning can be included only if the cleaning was done by a machine specifically designed to clean carpets and the carpet also was cleaned right before the tenant moved into the unit.
I am a new resident of oregon and will be renting a home.
Oregon law even varies on both the interpretation of the above rights and the rules on handling violations.
To prepare i ve been reading their landlord tenant law.
The official state statutes and other reputable municipal sources were used to research this information.
According to california law landlords can only charge tenants for carpet and paint under certain conditions.
Are you searching for information on oregon landlord tenant law and carpet replacement.
Basics of oregon s security deposit law.
I want to find any legal backing that i can to defend myself.
Once you learn whether or not you as a long term tenant will pay those costs you.
If there is a provision on the lease which requires that your carpet be cleaned six months prior to the expiration of the lease then the landlord has the right to enforce those provisions.
If so you ve come to the right place.
There are two parts about carpet cleaning and i m not sure how to reconcile them.
As well as any kind of carpet cleaning that goes beyond the capabilities of a standard vacuum cleaner.
There is nothing codified in oregon law about carpet wear and tear.
All sources are cited appropriately.
The damage occured under where the w d sat.
All landlord tenant law is covered under oregon revised statutes chapter 90 ors 90 the only one that would come close is this passage from ors 90 300 5.