Good move by rour roommate.
Is it okay to leave modem on carpet.
Heck even laying a piece of wood on your floor and placing the pc on the wooden platform will solve this problem although it may not be pretty.
If the carpet is a problem consider putting it on a platform or stand on the carpet.
The only difference when the rug is going to be used over a carpet is to make sure that the color of the rug complements the color of the carpet.
You may be laying down an area rug because you can t stand the color of the existing wall to wall carpet such as in a rental unit but trust us it will look much worse if you just throw down a rug.
You can even put a little elbow grease on it.
For example broadband modems generally should be powered on first then other devices later after the modem is ready.
Mine is mounted on a wall.
It depends on the modem and where the ventilation holes are.
If they re near the floor then they won t get much circulation and you run the risk of your electronics overheating and then the modem won t work at all.
Might as well give that carpet a good deep cleaning.
Yes it was because of the move.
Blotting works great here but if you re just dying to rub or even scrub have at it.
I was wondering who here leaves it on the carpet.
You can buy rolling stands for precisely this purpose that also make it easier to move your desktop around.
Once the vinegar has had a chance to soak in and work its magic you ll use a clean towel to soak it up.
Convenience network devices such as routers and modems may be installed on ceilings in basements or other hard to reach places.