Color blindness or more accurately poor or deficient color vision is an inability to see the difference between certain colors.
Is color blindness common.
Depending on the type you may also have trouble seeing clearly and you may be more sensitive to light.
Blue color blindness often referred to as blue yellow color blindness is extremely rare so rare that only 5 of color blind people suffer from it.
The remaining 5 is made up of blue yellow color blindness and less commonly total color blindness.
Learn more about what causes color blindness.
It s the most common form of color blindness and affects 5 of males but is rare in females.
The most common kinds of color blindness are genetic meaning they re passed down from parents.
Among humans males are more likely to be color blind than females because the genes responsible for the most common forms of color blindness are on the x chromosome.
Color blindness can also happen because of damage to your eye or your brain.
It happens when the green cone photopigment doesn t work as it should.
Color blindness is usually inherited.
Color blindness is more common in men.
Women are more likely to carry the defective chromosome responsible for passing on color blindness but men are more likely to inherit the condition.
And color vision may get worse as you get older often because of cataracts cloudy areas in the lens of the eye.
This is also called monochromacy and it s quite uncommon.
There are several types of color blindness and these differ depending on which.
If you have complete color blindness you can t see colors at all.
Within each color deficiency is the possibility of being either partially blind to that color or totally.
Unlike red green color blindness the chance of having blue color blindness is equal in both men and women as the gene is found on a different chromosome chromosome 7.
The most common cause of color blindness is an inherited problem in the development of one or more of the three sets of the eyes cone cells which sense color.
The most common type of color blindness is red green color blindness this type affects about 95 of all color blind people.