Remove dead or dying trees near the house check your roof frequently for any existing damage reinforce windows and doors you may need to hire a contractor have a roofing contractor inspect your roof and check for any loose or missing.
Insurace covers roof damage from wind.
Just as you should report water damage from a busted water pipe once it is determined that there is damage filing wind damage to the roof insurance claim immediately is essential.
You can buy only actual cash value coverage for wind and hail damage if your roof is too old to qualify for replacement value coverage.
Not reporting it can lead to the next claim being denied if they determine there was older damage.
And take a look at these tips to help prevent wind damage.
Your insurance reimbursement will be based on the.
Most policies also offer some coverage for fallen trees that damage your home provided the tree broke because of a storm or wind.
Coverage also usually includes damage from hail wind driven rain or snow that gets inside the home when a roof or wall is damaged due to wind.
If your roof is heavily damaged by fire heavy winds hail or a buildup of snow or ice you ll likely be reimbursed for the damage if you file a claim.
If you live somewhere where wind damage or wind storms are a regular occurrence you should know how to handle wind damage insurance claims and similar insurance issues which are often covered under your homeowners insurance policy but as always examine the policy and see if you are covered for wind damage to your roof or other property or if you need to sign up for additional wind insurance coverage.
Certain types of roof damage like general wear and tear or pest induced cosmetic damage are not covered by homeowners insurance.