Mountains plains channels canyons exposed rocks and sediment covered areas.
Is the ocean floor topographically uniformly.
The seabed also known as the seafloor sea floor or ocean floor is the bottom of the ocean no matter how deep.
Hope you have gone through our easy to learn notes covering important land features.
The ocean floor has the same general character as the land areas of the world.
All floors of the ocean are known as seabeds.
Synonymous with the term hot spot.
Earth the water planet we know that our earth is the only planet in the solar system.
Any portion of the ocean floor that is topographically higher than surrounding sea floor d.
You may perceive the ocean floor to be flat and sandy like the beach but the truth is there are many different surfaces.
For instance the absolute water level height is higher along the west coast of the united states than the east coast.
Geography is an interesting subject which covers land lithosphere water hydrosphere and air atmosphere.
Most people are surprised to learn that just as the surface of the earth is not flat the surface of the ocean is not flat and that the surface of the sea changes at different rates around the globe.
An extinct oceanic hot spot volcano that has subsided below sea level.
Approximately 37 km 3.
Analyze and conclude 1.
Pacific ocean ridge crest ocean floor crust south atlantic ocean fed c b a 39 km 2 million years north atlantic ocean 0 20 40 km scale answers to procedure questions 1.
Let s start from ocean floor first.
Like land terrain the ocean floor has ridges valleys plains and volcanoes.
Uniformly 100 km c.
At depths of over 10 000 feet and covering 70 of the ocean floor abyssal plains are the largest habitat on earth.
On average oceanic crust is only 6 to 7km thick compared to 35 to 40km for con tinental crust.
Arctic ocean arctic ocean topography of the ocean floor.
Ocean floor topography refers to the different forms in which the ocean floor bottom can exist.
Sunlight does not penetrate to the sea floor making these deep dark ecosystems less productive than those along the continental shelf.
Map showing the underwater topography of the ocean floor.
Greatest at the geographic poles and least near the equator.
Now let s see how to learn fast the concepts associated with hydrosphere.
Approximately 80 km 2.
The pacific ocean basin has spread the greatest distance.
As scientific knowledge has advanced the capability to envisage these remote sites has increased significantly.
But despite their name these plains are not uniformly flat.
From the late 19th century when the norwegian explorer fridtjof nansen first discovered an ocean in the central arctic until the middle of the 20th century it was believed that the arctic ocean was a single large basin.