37 quotes have been tagged as jack reacher.
Jack reacher killing floor quotes.
Killing floor he had fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch the affair i don t care about the little guy.
You reap what you sow.
Top 10 jack reacher quotes.
Never forgive never forget.
Dipping once again into the jack reacher story as he drifts into a small town with a mystery to solve.
Like shotguns and children don t mix.
This study guide consists of approximately 66 pages of chapter summaries quotes character analysis.
The enemy set eight years before killing floor and published in 2004 night school set one year before killing.
I am chief of the police department down her in margrave.
Next you have those who just need a job.
Do it once and do it right.
Others are patriots eager to serve.
Jack reacher killing floor lee child waiting.
It also is the first book to feature the character jack reacher it is written in the first person.
A jack reacher novel p 48 penguin 8 copy quote for men as they get bogged down with responsibilities commitments bureaucracy it is a fantasy just to think of shedding everything literally walking away with nothing at all and just hitting the road.
There are four types of people who join the military for some it s family trade.
Killing floor is the debut novel by lee child first published in 1997 by putnam the book won the anthony award and barry award for best first novel.
See more ideas about jack reacher lee child jack reacher books.
Than there s the kind who want the legal means of killing other people.
The novel has three prequels.
119 quotes from killing floor jack reacher 1.
As of 29 october 2019 24 novels have been published the most recent being blue moon.
Jack reacher is a fictional character and the protagonist of a series of crime thriller novels by british author lee child.
The books follow the adventures of a former american military policeman jack reacher who wanders the united states.
His first novel killing floor won both the anthony award and the barry award for best first novel.
After leaving the us army as a major in its military police at age 36 reacher roams the united states taking odd jobs and investigating suspicious and frequently dangerous situations.