Get latest detailed and informative current affairs and gs articles space isro for ias ifs net banking and other competitive exams with must have background knowledge including press information bureau pib.
Isro satellite current affairs.
Advertisement india today web desk new delhi december 17 2019 updated.
Isro gslv f10 to launch earth observation satellite gisat 1 on march 5.
All about it the two satellite idrss will maintain a continuous communication link with india s remote sensing earth observation satellites.
Current affairs year ender 2019.
Isro is all set to launch its first satellite of 2020 gisat 1 on march 5.
Isro current affairs 2020 what is isro venus mission for 2025.
Isro february 26 2020 at 9 51 read more.
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Isro to launch gsat 30 satellite january 13 2020 no comments on january 17 2020 the indian space research organization will launch gsat 30 satellite on the launch vehicle ariane 5.
Isro to launch electronic intelligence satellite emisat the indian space research organisation would be launching an electronic intelligence satellite emisat for defence research and development.
Isro s two nano satellites ins 1 and 2 are taking instruments from its and laboratory for electro optics systems leos and space applications centre sac for experiments.
List of isro satellites launched in 2019 check this list of isro satellites launched in 2019.
Isro current affairs 2020 isro to develop full fledged hyperspectral imaging earth observation satellite august 10 2017 the indian space research organisation isro is planning to launch a full fledged niche earth observation eo satellite called the hyperspectral imaging satellite hysis.
Current affairs isro to launch two satellites under idrss.