Isro to launch 83 satellites in one go in january 2017 the hindu the indian space research organisation isro will launch 83 satellites 80 of them foreign in one go in january the lok sabha.
Isro new satellite launch in 2017.
The cartosat 3 india s new earth observation satellite will send sharp clarity.
14 2017 setting a new.
Isro planning record 68 satellites launch in 2017 setting a record in its space programme isro in june had successfully launched 20 satellites in a single mission on board isro s workhorse pslv c34 from the spaceport in sriharkota andhra pradesh.
The irnss 1 satellite integrated with pslv c31 centre with two halves of the heat shield on either side.
Pslv c38 cartosat 2 series satellite.
In its thirty ninth flight pslv c37 isro s polar satellite launch vehicle successfully launched the 714 kg cartosat 2 series satellite along with 103 co passenger satellites today morning february 15 2017 from satish dhawan space centre shar sriharikota.
Also read isro to launch geo imaging satellite with gslv f10 on march 5 what data will isro cartosat 3 provide.
Isro has the launch of four new risat satellites planned this year along with an advanced cartosat 3 satellite.
Pslv c37 successfully launches 104 satellites in a single flight.
But overall it proved to be a year of setting up new benchmarks by showing an exemplary display of their intelligence to the entire space community in the world.
The nsil is a commercial space company under department of space dos.
According to narayanan the actual launch date of the rocket polar satellite launch vehicle pslv c49 will be finalised isro.
We are facilitating commercial launches g.
From the launch of record 104 satellites in a single rocket to putting one of the heaviest satellites in space 2017 proved to be a year of breaking boundaries for isro leaving one unsuccessful launch of its eighth regional navigation satellite that failed unfortunately.