Though some foods and objects are clearly potentially toxic to birds there are.
Is vinyl toxic to birds.
For more than 30 years leading health environmental justice and health impacted organizations across the country and world have been campaigning to phase out this poison plastic.
Some of the information pertaining to other species including humans must be extrapolated to birds.
The good news is that there are medications to relieve the symptoms of metal poisoning in birds and chelation therapy to help remove metals that remain in the bird s body.
There are cases however where metals remain unpassed by the bird despite all efforts.
As an avian veterinarian i treat birds every week for getting into toxic substances.
Owners should be aware of which plants are safe for birds.
Polyvinyl chloride pvc or vinyl is the most toxic plastic for our health and the environment.
Many pet owners build play gyms or foraging toys out of them.
Pvc is one of the biggest contributors to the flood of toxic substances that can cause severe problems for human health and the environment.
They are both very oral and like to check things out by putting them in their mouths.
Common bird safe and toxic plants this is a compilation of lists from multiple reputable sources that can be found listed below.
Available at your local home improvement store.
Vinyl chloride is a known carcinogen.
Vinyl chloride in its monomer form is highly toxic flammable and carcinogenic.
Few actual studies are available concerning plant toxicity and birds.
A bird may simply show signs of general and non specific illness.
Just like children when pet birds are out unsupervised this habit of tasting things can get them into trouble.
Birds can be like toddlers.
A recent study that was conducted found that vinyl flooring contains toxic chemicals that include phthalates lead flame retardants and vocs like formaldehyde that will off gas into the air after the installation process in a home and taint the indoor air quality to hazardous levels.
Researchers have found that children living in homes with vinyl flooring and sofas treated with fire retardant chemicals show increased levels of certain toxic chemicals.
Polymerization the process of reacting monomer molecules together to form polymer chains.