The answer to that question actually depends on which haunted mansion you re visiting.
Is this haunted room actually stretching.
So the coffin bed was to the right then a rip sign flowers and candles then stephie s bed.
But consider the haunted mansion stretch room in the magic kingdom which actually has two stretching rooms.
Is this haunted room actually stretching.
And all the stars must align or the whole illusion falls apart.
One of the most iconic scenes in the ride is the portrait gallery or stretching room here guests can see the changing portraits of some of the haunted mansion s residents before they are sent into the ride.
However in disneyland over in california guests are lowered down as the room stretches while guests over in disney world in florida remain put as the ceiling stretches upwards.
Both rooms do stretch.
The right hand stretching room was converted into a bedroom with four twin beds one of which was in the shape of a coffin.
Is this haunted room actually stretching.
The room actually appears to stretch and the portraits grow taller revealing some haunting situations the young girl is in including.
The haunted mansion is the pinnacle of disney illusioneering from the pepper s ghost effect in the ballroom to the one way glass of the hitchhiking ghosts.
This chamber has no windows and no doors which offers you this chilling challenge.
Is this haunted room actually stretching may 2 2020 april 25 2020 scott 1297 views 1 comment a few weeks ago i wrote an article about my favorite disney attraction the haunted mansion and the pepper s ghost effect used in the ballroom scene.
Is this haunted room actually stretching.
Laughs of course there s always my way.
Inside the box lid you ll find that you re looking up towards the ceiling of the stretching room just like you do on the ride.
And once you remove the instructions you ll see the back of the folding player board with a message to the players matching that on the ride.
And consider this dismaying observation.
Jess immediately volunteered for that one.
Or is it your imagination hmm.
Is this haunted room actually stretching.
Or your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis.
Image by paul benson.
Or is it your imagination.
The phantom comments on the paintings and asks guests if they have noticed that the walls are stretching.