No rubber is not a good conductor of electricity.
Is rubber a good conductor of heat.
Heat conductivity is a very important property when deciding which metal to use for a specific application.
The metal part of the pan is a conductor that allows heat to quickly pass from the stove to the food inside the pan.
Leaving the spaces between the railway bars which are made of iron to avoid the train accidents where iron is a good.
The tightly bound electrons are not free to be shared by neighbouring atoms.
The metals are better conductors because they contain free electrons the electrons move through the metal easily they gain the kinetic energy from collisions with hot atoms and pass on the energy when they collide with cold atoms this transfers the heat more quickly.
Insulators include plastic wood rubber and glass.
Electrons in rubber molecules are tightly bound and usually require a lot of energy to break apart.
What makes rubber a good insulator of electricity.
Yes rubber is a poor conductor of heat rubber is a good insulator of heat.
Because steel is a poor conductor of heat it s good for high temperature environments like airplane engines.
Often objects that are used to transfer heat are made of metal but have an insulator as a handle.
Rubber is used to protect against electricity.