But popcorn ceilings aren t just being removed because they re not very attractive they re also being removed because of the potential for there to be dangerous asbestos within the sprayed on material.
Is popcorn ceilings asbestos dangerous.
Identifying asbestos in ceilings.
So homeowners are not necessarily at risk of asbestos exposure.
If you have a popcorn ceiling that contains asbestos in your home you can safely encapsulate it by painting or texturing over top.
Asbestos is not dangerous when it is contained within a material and left undisturbed.
Removing asbestos popcorn ceiling requires many precautions.
Make sure nothing disturbs it and decide whether you want to have it encapsulated or removed.
Popcorn ceiling is a friable material meaning it is very easy to damage.
If the surface of your popcorn ceiling isn t chipping or deteriorated the risk from the asbestos within might not be significant.
Damage allows dust that contains asbestos to float around in the air and possibly get inhaled by unsuspecting residents.
Asbestos is only really dangerous when the tiny fibres are loose circulate and become part of the air you re breathing.
Asbestos a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral was the material of choice for popcorn ceilings until the substance was banned as a health hazard in 1978.
As opposed to the smooth ceilings of today s modern homes asbestos ceilings are textured and rustic in appearance.
Is it dangerous if my popcorn ceiling contains asbestos.
Better known as popcorn ceiling stucco ceiling and or even called cottage cheese ceiling this material was generally one to ten percent asbestos.
It s a job best left to qualified professionals.
Unfortunately a popcorn ceiling made.
They can be white or cream coloured with a bumpy texture that resembles cottage cheese.
Any percentage of asbestos makes popcorn ceiling dangerous.
Known for their trademark texture popcorn ceilings were easy to identify but became infamous over the years for their association with asbestos.
Asbestos was commonly incorporated into this material when popcorn ceilings were installed decades ago.
Asbestos ceilings are frequently referred to as a popcorn ceilings or stucco ceilings.
The popcorn ceiling only becomes dangerous when it gets damaged disturbed or begins to deteriorate.
So it begs the question is asbestos in popcorn ceilings safe.
Popcorn ceilings can present a dangerous health hazard but you can test them for asbestos and remove them relatively easily.