For the curious 7 16 osb has a span rating of 24 16 and with supports every 24 inches is good for a roof live load of 40 psf pounds per square foot with a 10 psf dead load.
Is osb good for roof sheathing in 7 16.
The sign should have said it was great for sheathing over an existing roof.
You get what you pay for.
Currently we space rafters 16 oc and use 7 16 osb with h clips.
University of massachusetts meets most building codes for roof and wall sheathing.
We re in dallas so we don t engineer for tremendous live loads for an asphalt shingle and we feel comfortable with 16 oc rafter spacing and 7 16 osb decking.
Sheets of 7 16 inch thick with no edge support can be used in an area where the snow load is 30 pounds per square foot.
Osb comes in 4 by 8 foot sheets as does plywood but the manufacturing process allows the production of longer and wider ones.
Common practice for a composition roof in n texas is with a roof deck of 7 16 osb and rafters at 24 o c.
The 24 16 rating of 7 16 osb will pass code for any standard construction walls roof.
Edge support is typically provided by tongue and grove sheathing panels or panel clips.
Plywood s advantage over osb.
The sign below the osb i bought from hd said it was great for roofing.
Thicknesses range from 5 16 to 3 4 inch and the proper.
The thickness required by josh s circumstances are good for roof snow loads of up to 70 psf again spanning 24.
I only use 1 2 osb on roof sheathing but the apa rating of the osb does allow for 24 centers now the fact that you are on 16 centers 7 16 would be fine although i probably would still use 1 2 out of habit.
That in a nutshell is the one big advantage plywood holds over osb.
However there is a common reason to upgrade the thickness of the roof sheathing as explained above.
7 16 osb with a span rating of 24 16 is only good for re roofing your house.
Panel thickness will also affect permeability using the 2 perm variable of 7 16ths osb sheathing at 3 4 thickness the permeability drops to 2 3rds of a perm.
Osb roof decking thickness 7 16 1 2 or 5 8.
Typical framing details are to use 7 16 osb for roof framing on 24 centers.
You don t need to worry about that.
I m contemplating upgrading to 1 2 or even 5 8 osb though to reduce roof sag hopefully to nil.
2x greater shear strength than similar sized plywood source.
Most roofs look fine yet some roofs show sag.
Typical types of wood used for roof sheathing are oriented strand board known as osb and plywood the most popular being osb.