A regular slice of rye bread has about 83 calories and 15 5 grams of carbohydrates including 1 9 grams of fiber.
Is marble rye bread good for diabetics.
In modern times rye bread is popular in the middle east and well loved by many european countries.
If you have diabetes you can eat bread and there are plenty of healthy choices.
Eating this type of bread could lower blood sugar type 2 diabetes is a condition that affects a person s blood sugar glucose levels and left untreated it can lead to serious.
Top choices for people with type 2 diabetes include whole grain breads sprouted breads and breads fermented with sourdough starter like pumpernickel.
Whole grain breads such as whole wheat rye sprouted breads and organic whole grain varieties are rich in vitamins minerals fiber and protein compared to refined processed options like white bread.
Pumpernickel bread for instance is an all rye bread with a unique flavor that hails from germany.
Rye is a cereal grain in the same family as barley and wheat.
The good qualities of rye bread known as a cereal grain rye is similar in some ways to wheat in terms of its shape except that it is longer and varies in color as well.
Pumpernickel bread however is slightly lower in carbohydrates and calories so it is a better choice for diabetics.
What is rye bread.