Though the return of raising the grade of the record might be worth it for those looking to sell many records.
Is jewelry cleaning cloth good for cleaning vinyl records.
Clean it with your chosen vinyl cleaning solution.
Next shut off the record player and set your record on a clean cloth.
You may want to use windex and water solution instead.
What is the best way to clean old vinyl records.
So today i ll share exactly how to clean vinyl records at home with my step by step guide.
Dry cleaning with an anti static brush but without use of any solution is a good minimum standard to keep your records in decent shape.
How to clean vinyl records.
Like others add distilled water with vinegar in a 50 50.
With this method i wash 8 sides 4 records before changing out for fresh water.
I usually use a microfiber cloth on super dirty dusty records while rinsing them in the sink to avoid getting excess junk in on my cleaning brushes.
Pour a few drops of vinyl cleaner onto a clean microfiber cloth and gently wipe around the record with it 2 3 times to spread the cleaner out along the grooves.
Put it away again.
Though it sounds weird you can also use vinegar for cleaning vinyl records.
Choose a safe vinyl cleaning solution.
I think use distilled water to clean the record again if it s really bad then follow up with a nice record cleaning brush and cleaning fluid to get into all the grooves.
These are typically very expensive.
Some people clean their vinyl record with windex which is a viable cleaning option.
But you cannot use pure windex as well to avoid permanent damages.
Cleaning vinyl records and keeping them dust free is a major factor in preserving them and keeping their perfect sound quality for longer.
Remove dust and static.
You ll need the following distilled water.
I use only distilled water for cleaning my records.
You ll need the following a basin of some kind dish soap any kind will work a record cleaning brush pad discwasher style a few washcloths a source of warm water a sink with faucet records to wash a clean surface to put the records on their cardboard sleeves two hands rubber gloves if your going to be doing a number of records at a time towels to dry off the records.
The crackling noise and pops that you experience with many of the records is the result of dust settled and accumulated in the grooves of the vinyl over a long period of time.
Around 5 10 www amazon co uk plus many other outlets if a good quality brush is out of your budget range then take a look at a non abrasive microfibre cleaning cloth.
Microfiber cleaning cloth price.