Stuff is reporting that property owners have been fined 1500 for allowing people to sit on their roof and watch car races.
Is it legal to sit on your roof at night.
Is it legal to sit on your roof in ohio.
It s like 10 ft.
Are we putting ourselves through the trouble for nothing.
There were four of us on it and it was the roof above the porch in the front of the house.
Also my brother and sister were sitting out there a second ago and a police car.
All building have access to the roof because that might be the best way to evacuate a building in the event of a fire.
We were all just sitting enjoying the weather and listening to music.
Today while sitting on my roof with a few friends a few cops pulled up and told us all to get off the roof.
We have two windows that lead out directly to the roof and we walk around to the back of the house where no one can see us.
The infringement notice cited a clause of the building act that refers to using or permitting the use of a building for a use for which it is not safe.
For some reason i have this little roof thingy right out my window.
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Just sitting on their own roof.
I m assuming for the sake of this answer the hypothetical roof sitter is not doing anything else such as using illegal drugs drinking underage threatening suicide etc.
You can call law enforc.
Well at night i like to turn itunes on at my computer which is right next to my window and listen to music and do whatever go in the internet on my phone draw play guitar etc and i sit on my roof while i do this.
No illegal activity was being done while on it.