I would suggest ash or hickory.
Is eastern red cedar a hardwood or softwood.
The sapwood is narrow and white in colour and the heartwood is reddish brown.
Domestic hardwood lumber species available.
A cedar is a conifer therefore is classified as a softwood.
This makes red cedar a softwood.
Imported hardwood lumber species available.
Wikimedia commons the reason why we have included this wood in our list of softwoods is that people tend to consider cedar as hardwood but no it is a softwood.
The actual hardness or density of the wood has little to do with the classification.
Inland red cedar is the same wood species as wester red cedar.
But it is also quite expencive because of its slow growing nature.
Although it s a softwood hardwood grading standards apply because eastern red cedar is used primarily as a cabinet wood.
Eastern red cedar douglas fir radiata pine yellow pine.
Red cedar is not a hardwood because it is like all cedar trees a gymnosperm tree meaning it does not flower.
Cost and availability although it s a softwood hardwood grading standards apply because eastern red cedar is used primarily as a cabinet wood.
100 aromatic eastern red cedar planking image popular posts.
Board foot thickness x width x.
Since clear wood is hard to come by most eastern red cedar boards carry the common grading label and a fairly inexpensive price of about 1 50 per board foot.
Red cedar was commonly used for building fence.
Supplied timber information western red cedar.
Is cedar a hardwood or softwood is red cedar a hardwood or softwood is yellow cedar a hardwood or softwood is cedar wood a hardwood or softwood is western red cedar a hardwood or softwood.
Alder ash cherry hard maple hickory poplar red oak soft maple walnut white oak and yellow birch.
I am looking to build a log home with either western red cedar or eastern white pine in western massachusetts and am looking to choose the better for minimal rot and insect repellant.
Eastern red cedar works well for trim in boats and canoes as cedar chests for closet linings jewelry boxes bookcases carvings and turnings.
Types of softwood cedar cedar wood image.
Renowned for its high decay resistance.
Softwood lumber species available.
When freshly felled he heartwood often displays a marked variation in colour.
Even though it is categorized as a softwood red cedar is still quite sturdy and strong.
Red cedar is a hardwood.