You can install solar panels in a conservation area.
Is conservation area consent required for solar panels.
If your property is in a conservation area or in a world heritage site planning consent is required when panels are to be fitted on the principal or side elevation walls and they are visible form the highway.
If solar panels are to be installed on or within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse which is listed planning permission will be required.
Wall mounted only if your property is in a conservation.
Living in a conservation area doesn t mean that you will not be able to install solar hot water panels.
However planning permission is still a requirement if there is an article 4 in the area.
Normally solar installations fall under permitted development however planning permission was required for street facing solar arrays in conservation areas.
To qualify as a standalone solar system the panels have to be at least 5 metres from the property stand alone s can t be installed within the boundary of listed buildings or scheduled monuments in conservation areas and world heritage sites no part of the solar installation should be nearer to any highway bounding the house than the part of the house that is nearest to that highway.
If panels are to be fitted to a building in your garden or grounds they should not be visible from the highway.
However you may have to apply to your local authority for planning permission.
The following guide produced by suffolk s local authorities to support homeowners in conservation areas wishing to install a roof mounted solar pv system for electricity generation.