It has not affected the output of any fruit veg nut producing plant nor has it had adverse effect on flowers.
Iron in water effects on plants.
If the soil has too much iron then plants will absorb it and eventually suffer from the continuing effects.
Overwatering with iron.
Iron binds to oxygen and travels with it in the blood transporting the carbon dioxide out.
Ferrous iron is the most common type of iron encountered in water especially in deep wells or other groundwater.
Inze in belgium soils become dangerous because of high iron content at levels of 100 mg or more.
As plants grow and undergo photosynthesis they draw iron from the surrounding soil and in some cases this may leave the soil with a low iron content.
Van montagu and d.
Plants use iron as a part of the energy creation process.
Green plants use iron for nitrogen binding.
The effect of excess iron in plants.
My well water has enough iron in it that my plants leaves turn red rust colored by the 4th watering of the season.
Iron is considered a micro nutrient because only small amounts are required to aid in normal plant growth.
According to scientific studies conducted by k.
It plays an important role in respiration.