Inventor tips tricks how to create a sheet metal cylinder with an angle cut a user asked how to create a sheet metal cylinder with an angled rip cut to open the shape for flattening.
Inventor sheet metal tricks.
A variety of modern parts are designed and constructed using sheet metal and chances are you ll be designing a part out of sheet metal at some point too.
Sure does beat using a calculator and drawing board.
This post will show how this can be accomplished utilizing tools found in the sheet metal tab.
Like other parts created within autodesk inventor sheet metal parts begin with a base feature.
Sheet metal rip command utilizing the sheet metal rip command you ll be able to take a component design and rip it to easily create a flat panel from it that can be sent off to the cutter for manufacturing.
Sheet metal has a consistent thickness.
In a sheet metal part you enter the values for these details and then the software applies them as you are designing.
By changing a single rule you can change the material of a sheet metal part from aluminum to stainless steel.
Such changes often require changes to shop floor machinery and set ups used to fabricate the parts.
The next step is to use the inventor sheet metal rip command to add a gap to the duct.
The base feature of a sheet metal part is often a single face of some shape to which other.
For manufacturing purposes details like bend radii and relief sizes are usually the same throughout the part.
Autodesk inventor now has integrated sheet metal tools that make it easier to design with sheet metal.
Finally select the side of the duct you desire to be on the outside of the flat pattern and pick the create flat pattern tool.