Inventor plechový šnek ilogic rozvin youtube.
Inventor sheet metal helix.
Design a sheet metal bracket in this project we ll design a bracket using the sheet metal environment inside inventor for an inkjet printer while in context of the larger assembly.
Total project time approximately 20 minutes.
You also want to know how to assign the up and down bend lines of the flat pattern to different layers.
But your case is a bit complicated because you have to do it virtually i saw.
Hello i am stumped on how they make the sheet metal spiral for something like this see image below.
If you design small objects this material is often thin.
Flattening a sheet metal can be easy using solid rolls used for bending metals and also by simple mig welding.
With a spiral curve and an ilogic macro you can create a spiral helix sheet metal worm screw in inventor and then unfold this 3d part.
The autodesk inventor software provides functionality that simplifies the creation editing and documentation of digital prototypes of sheet metal components a sheet metal part is often thought of as a part fabricated from a sheet of uniformly thick material.
Unfoldable spiral helix sheet metal in inventor.
In this video we present two methods to create parts based on a 2d spiral shape that can later on be flattened in the sheet metal environment additionally a sheet metal part macro is presented to assign bend lines.
However in autodesk inventor you can utilize the sheet metal commands on any.
Before you begin download the step by step guide pdf.
Sheet metal development helix mixer blade sign in to follow this.
The procedure is illustrated in this video.