In save as type specify sat dwg or dxf file type.
Inventor sheet metal flat pattern.
Export a flat pattern of a sheet metal model to sat dwg or dxf file types.
Optionally create a flat pattern.
Save and close to return to the assembly.
When you open a sheet metal part the sheet metal tab on the ribbon provides access to the command to create a flat pattern.
At first glance the inventor flat pattern tool is a simple one click create flat pattern.
However there is much more going on.
The flat pattern is created and displays.
With a sheet metal part open on the ribbon click sheet metal tabflat pattern panel define a side.
If you create your models solely with the tools found in the autodesk inventor sheet metal environment you shouldn t have any issues.
Click place views tab create panel base.
In the browser right click the icon for the flat pattern and then click save copy as.
If appropriate select or clear the selection of the recover punch center option.
A browser entry is created.
In the browser double click the folded model node to return to the folded model state or.
Export sheet metal flat pattern parts of an assembly to dxf in one go.
Besides just exporting the flat patterns the application will also insert part number material thickness and quantity properties for each flat pattern dxf file or include it in the file name.
I noticed that we have a of of support calls around flat pattern of sheet metal parts in autodesk inventor.
The a side is defined and a browser entry is created when you create the flat pattern.
Conversion of a sheet metal part to a standard part automatically deletes the sheet metal flat pattern.
It is also a topic that comes up on the forums quite frequently.
Usually we find the problems come when people are using more sophisticated techniques such as deriving master models into sheet metal parts or importing parts from other cad systems.
In the sheet metal view area select flat pattern view.
With a single body sheet metal part open on the ribbon click sheet metal tab flat pattern panel click create flat pattern.
Click the face that defines the up or punch direction.
On the ribbon click flat pattern tab folded part panel go to folded part.
See the article at https w.
Export flat pattern to dxf export to dxf.
A flat pattern node is created in the browser.
Start with an existing flat pattern.
In this workflow the sheet metal part opens in a new window with the flat pattern active.
In the drawing view dialog box select a sheet metal component as file.