To aid in the preparation of detail drawings contour roll centerlines have a unique object type and are placed on a separate layer of the drawing.
Inventor sheet metal contour roll.
A contour roll feature can be the base feature or a subsequent feature in your sheet metal part model.
Autodesk inventor 2016 sheet metal contour roll.
The sketch can only contain lines and arcs and must be an open profile.
Depending on the unroll method see below the sketch may need a center line.
The following image shows two.
Learn autodesk inventor sheet metal tutorial how to create cylinder object by using contour roll command check it out.
A contour roll feature can be the base feature or a subsequent feature in your sheet metal part model.
The contour roll starts with a sketch.
Autodesk inventor 2016 sheet metal contour roll.
A common sheet metal manufacturing practice is roll forming.
Create contour roll features as the base feature of your sheet metal part model or as a subsequent feature as required by your specific design.
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Like all inventor sheet metal features inventor will automatically create bends at line intersections.
To aid in the preparation of detail drawings contour roll centerlines have a unique object type and are placed on a separate layer of the drawing.