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Dance floor anthem good charlotte meaning.
She s going out to forget they were together all that time he was taking her for granted she wants to see if there s more than he gave she s looking for.
Good charlotte dance floor anthem.
Dance floor anthem meaning.
She s going out to forget they were together all that time he was taking her for granted she wants t.
I don t wanna be in love dance floor anthem lyrics.
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Dance floor anthem i don t wanna be in love by good charlotte song meaning lyric interpretation video and chart position.
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Dance floor anthem lyrics.
Dance floor anthem i don t wanna be in love known as dance floor anthem on the album is a song by american pop punk band good charlotte on their fourth studio album good morning revival 2007.
Lyrics to dance floor anthem by good charlotte.
She s going out to forget they were together all that time he was taking her for granted she wants to see if there s more than he gave.
Good charlotte s official music video for i don t wanna be in love dance floor anthem.
She s going out to forget they were together all that time he was taken her for granted she wants to see if there s more than he gave she s looking for he calls her up he s tripping on the phone line he doesn t want her out there and alone now knows she s moving it knows she s using it now he s losing it and she don t care everybody put up your hands up say i don t wanna be in love feel.
The song became the band s best selling single in australia reaching number two for three nonconsecutive weeks and earning a platinum.
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