Sdrea is devoted to unifying promoting and protecting the interests of member electric cooperatives in south dakota by providing leadership training communication legislative representation and other member services.
Dakota electric cooperative.
Dakota electric association is the only regulated electric.
It serves some 6 000 members on nearly 4 700 miles of line in an area that stretches from the minnesota border nearly to ashley and from the south dakota border to jamestown.
Formed in 1942 sdrea proudly serves as the member services organization for electric cooperatives operating in south dakota.
Dakota valley electric cooperative is one of 16 distribution cooperatives in north dakota.
Each edition contains information about cooperative news programs and safety information.
Dakota electric sends out circuits monthly newsletter to our members each month.
Inside members can find valuable money and energy saving tips special event details news about dakota electric and electric utility industry information that may impact electric bills.
Dakota electric sends out circuits monthly newsletter to our members each month.
Dakota electric association at a glance dakota electric association is a member owned not for profit electric distribution cooperative founded by local farmers in 1937 with the help of the rural electrification administration.
Dakota energy thanksgiving food drive cooperative principles contest use safety as your guide when planting tree people pleasing pasta tick or treat safety.