The updated safety award pin is earned by following a three step process for staying safe tailored to girl scout daisies.
Daisy safety award pin placement.
Step 2 i know what to do if i am choking or a friend is choking.
Know your phone number and address.
I know my phone number and address.
We never imagined when we created this program in 1999 that today there would be over 4 500 healthcare facilities and schools of nursing in all 50 states and 28 other countries committed to honoring nurses with.
Earn the daisy safety award with ease with these activities for leaders add post to favorites this post may contain affiliate links and this site is not connected with affiliated with approved by endorsed by the girl scouts of the usa or the frontier girls.
Steps to earn this award complete all 3.
Daisy faith pin year one year two american flag patch girl scout council identification set troop numerals membership stars and discs cookie sale activity pin my promise my faith pins safety award pin petal and promise center set journey award badges financial literacy leaves daisy insignia tab world trefoil pin girl scout daisy membership pin.
Daisyfaith pin yearone yeartwo american flag p atch girl scout council identificatio n set troop numer als memb ership stars and discs cookie sale activity pin my pr omise my f aith pins safety award pin petal and promise center set journey award badges financial lit eracy l aves daisy insignia tab world trefoil pin girl scout daisy membership pin.
A daisy can earn 10 petals so be sure to leave room while adding them to the uniform.
A turn key program with the daisy foundation providing most everything you need to implement the daisy award.
The color of the cross on the pin corresponds to the daisy grade level color.
Know who it is safe to ask for help.
It s a cute little blue cross with a trefoil in it.
Find out what you should do if you or a friend is choking.
This item is required when girls participate in ceremonies or officially represent girl scouts.
Daisies earn their safety award by.
The daisy award today.
Understand what to do if you get lost.
Girl scouts from each grade level have one official uniform item a sash vest or tunic to display badges pins insignia and awards.
I know who to ask for help.
Gs daisy safety award.
Safety award pin daisies don t have a first aid badge so to speak but they do have a safety award pin they can earn.
Petal and promise center set the very heart of the daisy uniform is the daisy petals.
Step 1 i know what to do if i am lost.
That s pretty spectacular so earn it for those sweet little faces.