The d50 provides consistent and controlled lighting through industry standard fluorescent bulbs to simulate daylight home and store lighting.
D50 light booth.
Dedicated d50 light source for print and packaging applications or dedicated d65 light source for industrial applications to ensure optimum visual assessment.
You can find our range of products for viewing under d50 and d65 standardized light in the online shop.
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Single daylight light sources include.
The color viewing booths for a wide variety of applications.
Color viewing booth vteke s d50 products allow the graphic arts printing packaging and photographic markets to make visual color judgments with accuracy and confidence.
Not only is the pantone 5 light booth d50 stylish and complementary to any work space it also delivers reliable daylight store and home lighting options that will help you adequately identify color variations and metameric effects sooner than later.
Pantone 5 light booth d50 overview make critical color choices while reviewing your work properly and accurately within the pantone 5 light booth d50.
Tungsten a light also included.
The pantone 5 light booth has 2 lighting options d65 and d50.
See our products in the web shop.
P5d50840 pantone 5 light booth provides the most consistent and reliable environment for evaluating products and prints.